Exalting Eris ~ 15 Sep 2022

Of late, Eris dominates my astrological musings. When I consider transits, Eris is always in the mix. In consultation with clients, Eris stands out as huge consideration. As previously mentioned, Eris occupies Aries for nearly everyone on Earth. As much as Eris resents exclusion and despises not being invited, pretty much everyone alive shares this reactionary commonality. It’s a fact, the majority of people occupying Earth share this astrological planet in the same damn sign... there’s that in common!

Queen Elizabeth II’s nativity held Eris in Aries... barely. Eris stood at slightly more than three quarters of a degree in Aries at the time of her birth. The former Prince Charles, now King Charles III, at the time of the Queen’s passing experienced Jupiter’s retrogradation to his birth chart Eris. Jupiter, who once conspired with Eris, to correct a political scenario, is kind to Eris. For his entire life, Charles was a prince. With the current Jupiter (this has happened multiple times in his life) conjunct his Eris, he is King.

Obviously most people in their current incarnation are not born as heir to a throne. Perhaps in another lifetime. And if in another lifetime, the fact remains irrelevant to the current incarnation and ones status in same.

Every human requires oxygen. Every human requires water. Every human requires sustenance no matter the diet chosen for allergy prevention and consciousness purposes. Similarly, every human requires a safe place to live. Every human possesses wants, desires, and more fundamentally, needs. And most every person has Eris in Aries. There is that physical reality as common denominator as well.

Everyone born after 2 January 1927 enjoys Eris in Aries in their nativity. That is when Eris entered Aries with no more retreats in Pisces. In June of 1922, Eris first ingressed into Aries. From the middle of 1922 and throughout 1926, Eris taunted both Pisces and Aries with her hopscotching over the demarcation between signs. What is the exact percentage of people on the planet who have Eris in Aries? Despite the Sun in Virgo and Mercury soon to retrograde back into Virgo (as the Sun enters Libra), I do not know. Nor do I have the inclination to determine the exact number. I am content to make the point that most of the humans on the planet share Eris in Aries as an astrological signature.

Here’s an interesting irony to ponder: It does not matter if you use Eris in horoscopes or if you’ve ever had your chart’s Eris delineated for you. Eris knows you. Here’s what Eris in Aries knows:

Everybody is adverse to rejection, subjection, exclusion, being denied from their heart’s desire. Everyone yearns to have a solid fit in life - a life in which primal and basic needs are more than minimally met. Everyone seeks to feel relevance and enjoy acclaim for accomplishments. Claim it or not, Eris contends every human shares these traits.

Eris knows how badly it raises a person’s ire to be denied any aspect of life to which a person believes they are entitled. And Eris knows how far a person is inclined to go to extract what is felt to be equal and opposite justice for the affront to their being. Eris knows, that like a good protagonist in a movie, a person will go beyond the beyond and to the ends of the Earth to find the perfect fit... ones personal Holy Grail.

For a constructive “It’s about me, after all” Aries reset, Eris prompts every person to turn away from social media (she rules the Internet and social media big time) long enough to accomplish two primal tasks:

One (according to her north node in Taurus), seek out a proper way to make your way in the world without absorbing the expectations of others upon your life objectives, economic status or spiritual standing. You want and need what you want and only you can ascertain that what you seek is a perfect fit. Seek out that fit without assuming the intention of others to blockade your best efforts. The harsh reality is, others do not spend as much time obsessing about what you do and what you’re about as you might think.

Two (according to her closest contact - perihelion - to the Sun in Libra), determine what people truly fit with your objectives. Seek out your clan. Be inspired by those with similar aspirations and realize that while those aspirations may not suit all persons on this planet, everyone on this planet needs the planet to thrive and continue to support life in whatever way it was the Creator first envisioned. Share your aspirations to all with the end game realization that inspiration and creative spirit conspire creatively to unify humans into manifesting the best... in fact, humankind.

What is the greater scheme of Eris? No one can be shunned. The world must be integrated, cooperative, inclusive, conscious and always supportive to those suffering from less that ideal fortunes.

It’s a most interesting thing that happens during natural disasters or world-unifying events. People help people. They do not ask how you voted, in what church you worship, or how large your retirement account was before the last economic bubble. They do not question the color of your skin. Simply, the plight of another life form that is soul-powered is perceived and the most primal human instinct simply is to assist.

One final thought. It is said that the name of Eris means “things you know not of...” Something to ponder if feeling absolute certainty or extreme doubt. What’s over that next horizon?

Exalt Eris. Invite her to the party of your life. Integrate occasional and spontaneous shifts to daily routine. Take the time to cull from your life what no longer fits and become an expert on remaining responsive to the new and different even though it may come in the most unusual packaging. Be the ultimate authority on you. Engage and embellish the best of all God-given, DNA granted, experiences processed, and wisdom gained. Why is exalting Eris so important now?

Between now and the end of April 2023, with Jupiter retrograding back into Pisces, everyone on planet Earth will have at least one transit of Jupiter to natal Eris - some will have two. While you may not be coronated monarch of the land, opportunities presented, once and for all exist to prompt you to accept and claim your real-world, creative and spiritual dominion in life.

More soon.